Friday, May 28, 2010

Fashion Bug Buys

Cute shoes, right? Like I said, I bought a ring too, but I can't find a picture of it on their website, I might have to take one of my own. But anyhoo, there ya go.

My Bad

Sooooo...I know I said I was going to update everyday and stuff, but I totally haven't in a few days, and I'm really sorry for that. I've been really busy with work at Subway, but thankfully this Sunday is my last ever day there. Yay for two more days until I'm done with my soul-sucking hell job. Anyhoo, after Sunday I promise to write more, and I will try my hardest to do it everyday, because awesome stuff happens everyday, and I'm sure you want to hear about it! :P

Anyway, I went to Fashion Bug today, because I had a coupon thingy to save $10 on a $25 purchase, so I totally went and spent. I bought some cute wedges, a new ring, and a layered necklace. (Note to self, get pictures of stuff I bought!!) Anyway, I ran into my friend Ashley from high school, and turns out they are actually hiring! (Yay!) They happen to be looking for someone who can work part-time, maybe 10-15 hours a week. Now, I know what you're thinking, that's not much...right? Well, to me it is absolutely perfect. I'm taking a lot of classes, and only like working weekends and not many hours, so I can concentrate on my education, which is my number one priority. I need good grades so I have the possibility of getting into grad school if I so choose to after I'm done with my Bachelor's. of recently....I watched the LOST series finale a couple of days ago. Yeah, yeah, I know, it aired this past Sunday, but I have something like TiVo, and I didn't get around to it on Sunday, so it was waiting for me when I was finally able to sit for 2 and a half hours to watch it. At first it really made me mad, because I thought that all the characters died in the first plane crash, in the very first episode, and it infuriated me to think that I've been getting attached to characters for 6 years only to find out that they were all dead in the first place! Turns out, after watching interviews and stuff with the writers and producers of LOST, that that was not the case, and I had my undying love for LOST reaffirmed. I love LOST I can't help it, so if I have an excuse to stick up for it, I will. I actually started watching the pilot episode already earlier today. I'm trying to get my older sister to get hooked on it too, but my dastardly plan keeps getting foiled!!

Other things: I watched the American Idol finale tonight, and was very happy with the results. Any guy who can sing well, and rock a tux jacket, jeans and red converse is awesome, and gets my vote. Lee is a total hottie, by the way.

So I think that's all for now, I about wrote a book here, sorry if I bored you! I will try to write tomorrow, but I work all afternoon, and will probably see Prince of Persia after work, so we shall see! I hope ya'll like what you see so far in this blog. I now I'm new, but I hope you are interested enough to follow me for a couple of days. Make sure to tell your friends and stuff! :P

Currently Listening To: Yahoo Music Radio - "Billionaire" By: Travie McCoy
It's kinda fun! It reminds me of a Jason Mraz song, with the beachy vibe in the backround.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

First Blog Post EVER

So this is my first blog post EVER. Like I just decided to create a blog, because I follow a lot of blogs and I thought it would be fun to try it out for myself!

I cannot add more than this right now, I'm off to go see 'Letters to Juliet' but I promise to update everyday, so look forward to my awesome writings, and expect some pretty fantastical photos to come as well.
